The semicolon;
Replace the semicolon (;) with greek question mark (;) in your friends JavaScript and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error. 😂
Replace the semicolon (;) with greek question mark (;) in your friends JavaScript and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error. 😂
A few months ago, I moved this site to
I am much happier with
True that it might not be a perfect fit for everyone’s needs, but it sure does fit mine for now.
Would it fit your needs too? Read to know…
Have a great website or product around WordPress that you’d like to show off?
In 10 minutes, showcase your awesome website, blog, product to other WordPressers in Pune.
5 more minutes to answer any questions that the audience may have.
Collect valuable feedback and useful inputs.
WP-CLI is Command Line interface based WordPress site management tool used to manage WordPress websites via SSH.
Now install it on shared hosting environment too! Read further to know how…
So you made an interesting WordPress plugin, and you want that to be available for others to use. Though GitHub is really nice to share code, when it comes to WordPress, nothing beats the plugin and theme repository.
Here is how you can add your plugins to repository.
Utilization of the WordPress+WooCommerce combo is at huge and loads of marketers use this aggregate for e-trade across the globe. With GST in India — at the time of writing this article, there’s no documented solution for GST implementation in WooCommerce.
Here is an attempt for one.
If building a theme for the theme repository this will almost certainly be tested. For those using WP-CLI there is a quick and easy way to install and then remove this test data. Naturally, you will need to install and setup WP-CLI before proceeding.
Summerizing my journey with Polyglots team on, with respect to Indian languages.
Yes, I wish I knew about this long long time ago, this is just fantastic! You can help translate into your native language without leaving the page! Using the community translator built in Once the translator is enabled, right-click on a highlighted string to submit a new translation: A red highlight means that a string does… Read More »Did you know you can translate without even leaving the page?
We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already […]… Read More »This is intresting…