Redirect after logging in based on the user role
You can redirect after logging in and use a custom URL based on the user role, like the Dashboard for admins and My Account page for customers.
You can redirect after logging in and use a custom URL based on the user role, like the Dashboard for admins and My Account page for customers.
If you accidentally introduce a syntax or fatal error in one of your template files, you’ll probably see the dreaded white screen of death when you visit your home page. In some cases, even the admin screens will go blank. Lets see how you can fix this…
Today I came across a weird situation: I needed to place a navigation menu in the content of a page. A shortcode was the obvious solution, but there doesn’t appear to be one built in for menus. I created this one very quickly
Replace the semicolon (;) with greek question mark (;) in your friends JavaScript and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error. 😂